Recognition Wall Bricks

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be a part of history! The Hagerty Family Events Center has a limited number of bricks (see above) available on two recognition walls. The bricks will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis, and will be prominently located on a recognition wall at the entrance to the Joann Mullen Gymnasium or at the entrance to the David. M Hallman III Aquatics Center. It’s a wonderful way to recognize family members, memorialize a loved one, or even give as a gift. The names engraved on the Recognition Wall will become part of the fabric of the building for all to see for generations to come.
Below are the details to purchase your brick(s):
Your choice of gymnasium or pool entrance
30 characters per brick
6 ½” H x 13” W
$500 per brick
Please contact Mr. Jimmy Smith '11, Assistant Vice President of Development & Strategic Initiatives, at (814) 453-7737, Ext. 2294 or for any questions or concerns.