Cathedral Prep Open House

Experience Cathedral Prep’s vibrant campus
Cathedral Prep’s recently renovated campus and Salata Technology & Innovation Center provide students access to state-of-the-art classrooms, studios, and technology. At Open House middle school students and their families can tour these modern educational spaces that foster creativity, hands-on learning experiences, and collaboration among students and teachers. While student-led tours will explore the entire campus, all the newest features of the school will be highlighted, including the STEAM hub, esports lab, visual arts studios, guidance center, fitness center, dance studio, music studios, and more.
Get to know the people in the Prep community
Although the facilities are impressive, the people of Cathedral Prep are what makes it so special. Prep’s teachers and coaches aren’t just educators; they’re mentors committed to challenging their students to be the best versions of themselves, going the extra mile to inspire students to grow in faith and values. During Open House, teachers will welcome students and families into their classrooms to take part in interactive experiments, share their passion for their respective subjects, and answer questions. Guidance counselors will be on hand to talk about the transition to high school and college prep, and most importantly, current students are eager to share their Prep experiences with the next generation of Ramblers!
Discover experiential learning and advanced academic programming
Cathedral Prep’s curriculum integrates challenging academics, options for AP courses, service learning requirements, and opportunities for special programming. Academic Path Programs are designed to provide a higher level of post-secondary education preparation for students with a strong interest in a certain career field. Programs include Architecture & Engineeering, Business, Global Studies, Medical, and Computer Systems & Digital Design. The Gannon Dual Enrollment program gives qualified students the opportunity to complete a year of college credits while still in high school.
Explore a variety of clubs, activities, and extracurriculars
There’s something for everyone at Cathedral Prep! At Open House, visitors will see Prep Theatre students bring the stage to life with brief skits, witness the talents of the choir, band, dance and visual arts students, and much more. Representatives from over 30 clubs, teams, and organizations will have information about how getting involved can enhance the high school experience.
Embark on your Rambler journey!
Open House participants will learn about the next steps to take to join the Rambler family. More than $2.5 million in tuition assistance and scholarships was awarded to students for the 2024-2025 school year, and five $1,000 Open House scholarships will be awarded to Open House attendees!
Parking Available in 9th Street PREP Parking Lot
If you have any questions about Open House, shadow visits, or anything else regarding admission to Cathedral Prep then please contact the Enrollment Management Office by phone at (814) 453-7737, Ext. 3, or by e-mail at